Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Advocacy Initiative -Dec 2006

Advocacy Initiative

Committee Intent: The Advocacy Committee has been re-structured for 2006 to extend beyond its past structure of the AIA Illinois Board, Staff and Lobbyist. The intent was to broaden it to include representatives from around the state… and ultimately to extend this to each of the chapters, the knowledge communities and all of our members… as citizen architects.

Committee Mission: Evolving from the AIA Illinois Mission Statement, the committee looks to develop direction based on a set of principles, and make these principles and policies permanent and transparent to our members, the legislature, and the general public. Specific legislative positions will be reviewed based on these policies. The intent is to show architects as activists and leaders within our communities and to provide value to our membership, advocating at multiple levels:

§ Within the AIA and the profession of architecture, creating higher standards for ourselves.
§ Within the design and construction industry
§ To the public and each of our communities.
§ To our legislators – providing expertise and leadership.

Objective: To state what we believe with knowledge and passion, creating opportunities for the profession and AIA members to provide leadership.

2006 Advocacy Initiative
The American Institute of Architects—Illinois Council


Draft Update 17 October 2006
Adopted January 2007
Sunset December 2007

“Architecture profoundly affects people. The work of architecture is essential to human well being, and architects must embrace their ethical obligation to uphold this public trust.” – AIA Directory of Public Policy and Position Statements

AIA Illinois is guided by the duty and honor to serve our members, their clients along with our communities and the public at large. In that spirit of civic engagement and public service, we share the fundamental principles which we believe as fellow citizens and as the voice of the architecture profession in Illinois.

AIA Illinois seeks to support the growth of each of our communities and the state. We recognize the diversity of communities and interests within the state, but seek to find common ground to achieve better, safer communities while maximizing our public investments.

Working with industry colleagues, AIA Illinois will offer a nonpartisan perspective to create partnerships, provide information, and assist in the development of policy and advocacy efforts to facilitate discussions of community design and professional integrity. We do this not for our own sake but to provide more opportunities for neighborhoods, communities, regions, and the state. We welcome any ally in this cause and encourage any leader to advance such an agenda.
Guiding Principles:
1. Architects serve the public health, safety and welfare of the citizenry by designing places for a broad range of human activities, creating environments where individuals, groups and communities may thrive.
2. The practice of architecture requires special skills and training; a lifelong commitment to learning, professional ethics and service. We promote the use of licensed architectural professionals in the design and construction of our built environment.
3. The process of architecture, planning and design should achieve a positive balance of natural, social and economic forces, respecting the environment. Sustainable design and stewardship of resources past, present and future is a necessary part of shaping civilized places.
4. Architects express their professional concerns and commitments by building coalitions and engaging in public affairs with the goal of creating better communities. The architect has the responsibility to both serve their client and the public at large.
5. The State of Illinois through its elected and appointed leaders plays an important role in regulating the profession of architecture, the business climate we practice in and the quality of life of its citizens which may be elevated and enriched through the power of design.

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