Monday, June 22, 2009

How To Use This Blog

This Blog website is a tool to be used by Illinois architects of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in development of policies. These policies are aimed at improving all communities for which architects help design. It is authored and monitored by the AIA Illinois Advocacy Committee.

The Blog is meant to allow all architects across the entire state access and opportunity to contribute in the comprehensive policy development process. We absolutely seek the contributions of the best, most-informed and most-passionate architects, allies and subject matter experts for the relevant issues that need to be addressed. This includes you!
It is intended to capture your best thoughts and opinions whenever they might come to you. With the understanding that everyone has peaks and valleys in workloads and may not be available at any given time or any regular interval for group discussions, this Blog provides available access 24 hrs/365 days for your convenience.

The Blog provides a place for posting big ideas as well as small commentary or critiques. All are important and welcome. Feel free to be creative but please be sincere, respectful and thoughtful.

Features of the Blog:
-This a list of the Priority Issues for 2007 policy development
EXISTING POLICY TOPICS (right side margin)
-This is a list of topics addressed in opening policy statements as developed and adopted in 2006. You may scroll down the left side postings to read these entire statements and make comments.
BLOG CONTENTS/INDEX (right side margin)
-This is an index of postings on this Blog. You may select the white arrows to see the postings for each month. You may then select any posting to read or comment on it.
FEATURED LINK LIST (right side margin)
-Links to relevant websites are included. Just select the link to visit the website.
PHOTOS (right side margin)
-Photos of Illinois architects in advocacy action are featured.
-Posting of previously adopted materials
-Flowchart of the Policy Initiative
-Posting of “work in progress” and proposals for input and critique
-Posting of a Sample/Mock Policy Format
-A variety of timely writings, photos and graphics
While anyone may comment on these posts only the website author may add or delete any posts. Any proposed new postings must be initially submitted as a comment or emailed to the website author for inclusion as a feature post.

1. Browse the site. Scroll down from top to bottom and see briefly what is posted. Browse the flowchart graphic. Select it to zoom in. Print it if you need to. This chart will help you see how the relevant issues can be addressed through the policy development process. Get a grasp of the potential impact that comprehensive policies, best practices and supportive information produced by architects can ultimately have on the local, state and national levels.
2. Take a look at the current Priority Topics for development during 2007 in the right-hand margin. We look to have some positions on these issues stated for the record. We will continue to study all and refine our policy on all of the relevant issues listed but it is especially important to initiate positions on the priority list as soon as possible.
3. Browse the Existing Policy Topics List. Understand that AIA Illinois has adopted these statements after 2006 development. Existing policies are subject to revision as needed at the close of each year. Additional input, research and posted comments during the year can become the basis for such revisions.
4. Determine how you can contribute. Here are several ways:
-Spread the word about the initiative and the Blog.
-Identify and submit a list of the best contributors you can think of to address these issues.
-Collect, study, and submit information that is important or supportive to a position architects should have on an issue.
-research legislation, local ordinances, and best practices impacting key issues.
-Post comments, opinions and critiques on this Blog concerning the issues. You will only need to establish a free Google password to get registered first or You may simply send your information or feedback by email to:
-Join a “Work Group” focused on particular issues. (Scroll below for a post that further explains the work groups.
-Serve as a writer/editor of the position statements for a work group or for a particular issue. (Scroll below for posted example of a work group “deliverable” ). It gives a suggested model format to follow).
-Advocate the principles, goals and Call to Action of AIA Illinois policies and positions to empowered or influential individuals and entities.
5. Make it happen, starting today!